Meet Your Relationship Guru Cheryl Grace

She's ready to share her love secrets with you at your next event, conference, book club or sorority meeting!

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Meet Your Relationship Guru

Cheryl Grace

She's ready to share her love secrets with you at your next event, conference, book club or sorority meeting!
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Does it feel as if everyone else is booed up but you? 

Are you tired of attracting “losers” or men who aren’t interested in long-term relationships? 

Do you wish someone who’s successfully found and kept a healthy relationship would share their secrets with you?   

Are you ready to be in a happy, healthy, committed, and monogamous relationship?

Cheryl Grace is your Answer!

About Cheryl

Once upon a time, every relationship in my life was a struggle. It felt like I was always caught in a never-ending cycle of conflict, constantly on The Relationship Struggle Bus trying to stay afloat and find peace.

But then, I had a revelation. I realized that I was the key to changing my circumstances.

So, I made a choice to transform my mindset. I stopped holding onto limiting self-beliefs that no longer served me.

I started dating more than one guy at once.

I edited down my “must have list” to five core criteria.

I started giggling and showcasing my girly girl.

I let the man lead – (I was a successful businesswoman -- aka control freak -- so you know this was not easy to do!)

I began to unapologetically ask for what I wanted.

And you know what?  

As I dug deep and discovered my true self, something incredible happened. Love started to bloom and flourish! I started attracting better partners into my life and no longer settled for less than I deserved.  

Experience can teach us valuable lessons, and my Starter Husband certainly showed me that Prince Charming doesn't always deliver.

However, I didn't let that stop me from finding my Mr. Right and it shouldn’t stop you either. Finding true love over the age of 50 has been the best experience of my life. I stamped an expiration date on my beloved’s forehead, stuck to it, and have been happily married since 2016!


 Motivating & Transforming

Audiences One Person at a Time



Workshops, Online Courses, And Speeches

From a divorced, single mom to a happily married woman over 50 -- working with women 35+ and sharing the relationship formula that will work for you is Cheryl’s unwavering passion! Through her dynamic relationship workshops, online courses, invigorating bootcamps, and speeches that make you laugh out loud, you’re guaranteed a transformative experience that will leave an everlasting impact on your life.

But brace yourself! Because you will put in the work, even if it's just for an hour. Cheryl will guide you through a process that will empower you to truly know yourself before embarking on your quest for a partner. Rest assured, you will leave armed with the skills and tools necessary for a successful manhunt. (You’ll even develop your own Manhunt Strategy).

What Love Participants Say


You have the power to change your relationship story.

It all starts with recognizing that you are in control.

Take the leap, embrace who you are, and watch as love fills your life like never before.

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